Black Unfolding II, 2024, screen print on paper, 94 x 64 each
My artistic praxis dwells on mechanical repetition and the pleasure of giving up control.
I set up the primary configuration of my printing set with masking tape on a screen, observing how a squeegee blade slowly peels masking tape off a screen. I receive a sequence of unique prints, every next one is slightly different from the previous one. It takes 30 - 120 prints to erase the tape.
The excitement of being surprised by an accident, by something that just happened due to the quality of the materials, plays a significant role for me.
Black unfolding I, 2024, screen print on paper, 94 x 64 each
Sometimes Nothing Happens, Sometimes Everything Happens Very Quickly, 2024, screen print on paper, 42 x 30 each
Untitled, 2024, screen print on paper, 94 x 64 each
The outcomes I produce result mostly in abstraction, which initially possesses no other meaning than what it is by itself. It contains no symbolism or narration, just a trace of the printing process. Nevertheless, as plane visual shapes on the surfaces have a profound tradition, some of my abstractions fall by chance into certain visual tropes. I find it fascinating, that a shape made accidentally and connected with colour invokes stronger associations and illusions, while another stays a formal shape. This means, that the expressive means of the medium are not only technical and material but also social and historical. I am curious to investigate the variety of aspects of the very notion of medium and its mechanisms.
Untitled, 2024, screen print on paper and alu dibond